Open The Book

What’s your “go-to” book category? What kind of books, blogs, articles, or papers do you like to read?


Can we challenge you to “Open THE Book” in 2024? 


There is one book that will make the most significant difference in your life, and it is often neglected – THE BIBLE!


Daily engagement with the Word of God is the most significant predictor of spiritual growth! The lives of Christians who do not engage the Bible most days of the week are statistically the same as the lives of non-believers. 


“Our research confirms something millions of Christians know through personal experience—that the Bible has the power to transform our lives and make us happier, healthier and whole,” said John Farquhar Plake, PhD, American Bible Society’s Chief Ministry Insights and Innovation Officer.


The American Bible Society has found that people who engage personally and consistently with Scripture have distinctive character traits.


- They give 10 times more to charity than others.

- They pray to God 2.25 times more in a typical 7-day period.


- They attend church 2.9 times more in the typical month.


- They are 228% more likely to share faith with others.


- They are 407% more likely to memorize Scripture.


- Additionally, they are more likely than others to volunteer, forgive others, avoid pornography, and have a sense of divine calling.


We need Scripture. We must OPEN THE BOOK.


We invite you to join us in 2024 as we open God’s Word together. The Word of God teaches, rebukes, corrects, and trains us in how we are to live.


2024 Bible Reading Plans

May 20 - July 10

5 Day Bible Reading Plan

February 1 - May 2

January 10 - 31